(coming soon!)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kite Day with Tyrus

Beautiful day at the beach with Tyrus Wong and his family and friends.

Tyrus brought out his swallow kites, one of his earliest: "35 years old," he says, from his kite-making 40 years. "When I flew it, I had approximately 25 swallows up in the air." The hand painting of the swallows, the claws still beautifully depicted on the body, possibly with felt-tipped pens, take the appearance of a lovely watercolor. On each swallow, Tryus' name and phone number, probably if the kite ever broke away.

While I was there, the delicate nature and natural destruction of the bamboo structure made the kites at first hard to fly. But after I left, I hear that they were up. Tyrus promises to bring 20 of them next time, August. I cannot wait.

Below, a centipede just about to lift off.